An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring the CMV promoter that leads to a cyan fluorescent protein expression. The open reading frame is followed by an BGH polyA signal.
CAV-2Reporter genes Cyan fluorescentRead more
An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring the CMV promoter that leads to a blue fluorescent protein expression. The open reading frame is followed by an BGH polyA signal.
CAV-2Reporter genes blue fluorescentRead more
An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring the CMV promoter that leads to an orange fluorescent protein expression. The open reading frame is followed by an BGH polyA signal.
CAV-2Reporter genes fluorescent orangeRead more
An E1-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring the CMV promoter that leads to tyrosine hydroxylase expression. The open reading frame is followed by an SV40 polyA signal.
CAV-2Others enzyme Tyrosine HydroxylaseRead more
An E1-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring the CMV promoter that leads to cystinosin expression. The open reading frame is followed by an SV40 polyA signal.
CAV-2Others cornea cystinosinRead more
An E1-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring the CMV promoter that leads to tetanus toxic C-GFP fusion (for transcytosis assay) expression. The open reading frame is followed by an SV40 polyA signal.
CAV-2Others fluorescent Tetanus Toxic CRead more
An E1-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring the CMV promoter that leads to Neuroglobine expression. The open reading frame is followed by an SV40 polyA signal.
CAV-2Others NeuroglobinRead more
CAV PRS ChR2-mCherry
An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring PRS promoter that leads to ChannelRhodopsin2 fused to mCherry expression in noradrengenic neurons. The open reading frame is followed by an SV40 polyA signal. The vector was generated in the Pickering Lab (Bristol, UK).
CAV-2PRS promoter ChR2 Fluo optogeneticRead more
CAV hM3D IRES mCitrine
An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring the CMV promoter that leads to hM3D (DREADD) and mCitrine expression. The open reading frame is followed by an SV40 polyA signal.
CAV-2Opto-/Chemogenetic DREADD fluorescent hM3DRead more
CAV DIO hM4D-mCherry
An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring the CMV promoter that leads to Cre-inducible hM4D (DREADD) fused to mCherry expression. The open reading frame is followed by an SV40 polyA signal.
CAV-2Cre-inducibleOpto-/Chemogenetic Cre inducible DREADD fluorescent hM4DRead more