PRS prom
An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring the PRS promoter that leads to the expression in noradrengenic neurons of hM4D(Gi) with an HA tag in N-Ter. The open reading frame is followed by an hGH polyA signal. Cassette is derived from plasmid #121538, Addgene.
CAV-2Opto-/ChemogeneticPRS promoter CAV-2 DREADD PRS promRead more
CAV PRS hM3D(Gq)-mCherry
An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring PRS promoter that leads to hM3D(Gq) fused to mCherry expression in noradrengenic neurons. The open reading frame is followed by an SV40 polyA signal. The vector was generated by the Pickering Lab (Bristol, UK).
CAV-2Opto-/ChemogeneticPRS promoter CAV-2 chemogenetic hM3D PRS promRead more
CAV PRS DIO hM4D(Gi)-mCherry
An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring the PRS promoter that leads to a Cre-dependent hM4D(Gi) fused to mCherry expression in noradrengenic neurons. The open reading frame is followed by an hGH polyA signal. Cassette derived from plasmid #44362, Addgene.
CAV-2Cre-inducibleOpto-/ChemogeneticPRS promoter CAV-2 chemogenetic PRS promRead more
An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring PRS promoter that leads to GCaMP6s expression in noradrengenic neurons. The open reading frame is followed by an SVE polyA signal.
Calcium SensorCAV-2PRS promoter Calcium sensor CAV-2 PRS promRead more
An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring PRS promoter that leads to Cre recombianse tagged with V5 expression in noradrengenic neurons. The open reading frame is followed by an SV40 polyA signal. The vector was generated in the Pickering Lab (Bristol, UK).
CAV-2PRS promoterRecombinases CAV-2 Cre Recombinase PRS promRead more
An E1/E3-deleted, replication-defective, CAV-2 vector harbouring PRS promoter that leads to soma-targeted Guillardia theta anion-conducting channelrhodopsin 2 fused to FusionRed FP expression in noradrengenic neurons. The open reading frame is followed by an SV40 polyA signal.
CAV-2Opto-/ChemogeneticPRS promoter CAV-2 optogenetic PRS promRead more